Framed Prints

"Classic framed prints made with the finest gallery quality materials"

Gallery quality framed prints that are set off on a bright white mount for extra impact. Featuring your choice of Frame Size, Frame Colour and Frame Width. 

4 x Frame Sizes (inches):

X Small - 8x12" image size / 12x16" frame size.

Small - 12x18" image size / 18"x24" frame size.

Medium - 16x24" image size / 22x30" frame size.

Large - 20x30" image size / 28x38" frame size.

2 x Frame Colours: 

Black or White

2 x Frame Widths (mm): 

Thick (width 52mm x Height 35mm)

Thin (Width 30mm x Height 20mm)

Over 80 x Kent coast photographs available at our Frames Shop