The Royal Port of Ramsgate hosts an array of maritime and war history.
Most likely it’s historic hayday was it’s involvement with the D-day evacuation, where Ramsgate saw a fleet of 700 small private ships routed to Dunkirk, this incredible feat led to the rescue of 338,000 soldiers.
Ramsgate also offered aid to it’s residents in the second world war by digging deep into the chalk cliffs to offer shelter during air raids. The war tunnels were reopened in Summer 2014 for historic tours.
Ramsgate was crowned regency status in 1821 by King George IV on his safe return to Ramsgate.
The two long beaches were particularly famous in the Victorian era with train lines straight from London to the beach.
Ramsgate’s royal marina offers a true continental feel as small dingy boats to super yachts and ferries decorate the harbour and make for stunning views from the cliff top promenade that extends from Dumpton Park to Minster. On a clear day look to the horizon for sightings of France.